
13. Comprehension

China, in  recent time, has converted a large number of rocks across the South China Sea into islands, where it has based missiles, armed personnel and military aircraft, using its military might.
The obama administration took virtually no action in response to Chinese belligerence against the Philippines — a longtime military ally. Worse still, the US recently acquiesced in the seizure of one of its unmanned underwater vehicles close to the Philippines. Chinese belligerence is paying off. President Duterte of the Philippines has quietly acquiesced to Beijing’s territorial demands. ASEAN countries like Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand and Cambodia are following suit. Myanmar is being pressured by China, by permitting Chinese territory to be used by armed ethnic groups from Myanmar’s bordering shan and Kachin states.
It is clear that a belligerent China is no longer prepared to tolerate any challenges to its dominance and hegemony across Asia. Agni IV, currently operational, with a range of 4,000 km, can hit targets in southern China, while Agni V, with a range of 5,500-8000 km, can hit even at the farthest points in China. The submarine-launched Sagarika missile, currently operational, has a range of 750 km. Its variants — under development — can hit across China from the Bay of Bengal. China, in turn, has transferred the designs and knowhow of the Shaheen range of missiles to Pakistan. These missiles can hit targets across India. Moreover, Karachi and Gwadar will be used, not only to base the eight submarines China is supplying to Pakistan, but also serve as bases for Chinese nuclear and conventional submarines that are now venturing increasingly into the Indian Ocean. The range of missiles being developed by India clearly signals to China that it will find any effort to use Pakistan as a nuclear proxy against India very costly and perhaps unaffordable. Agni V is virtually invulnerable as it is mobile and housed in canisters.
New Delhi needs to be far more active in insisting that a comprehensive nuclear dialogue with China is essential for strategic stability across Asia. China is loathe to enter into such a dialogue as it evidently wishes to not formally accord recognition to India’s nuclear weapons status, even as it peddles nuclear weapons and ballistic missile designs and materials to Pakistan, while helping Pakistan to develop both uranium and plutonium-based nuclear weapons. These transfers to Pakistan are in total disregard of China’s responsibilities under the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. India has been far too defensive and avoided exposing the Sino-Pakistan nuclear/missile nexus in important world capitals, notably Washington, London, Paris, Moscow and Tokyo. A far more determined effort on this score would be necessary once the Trump Administration assumes office and settles down to looking at the world.
Within Asia, Chinese hubris and arrogance would need far closer consultations and dialogue with countries like Japan, Vietnam and Indonesia. There appears to be a sentiment growing slowly in Tokyo that in the face of Chinese territorial and geopolitical ambitions, Japan should review its nuclear policies. The incoming Trump Administration has also indicated that allies like Japan need to do more to defend themselves, rather than depend excessively on the US. A nuclear-armed Japan can certainly play a key role in moderating Chinese behaviour and hubris. This is an issue that needs to be looked at carefully. All this has to be combined with a vigorous dialogue with China, which includes maintenance of peace and tranquility along our borders, expanding equitable trade and economic ties and promoting peace and stability across the entire Indo-Pacific Region.

Q.1. What Changes has China made in South China sea in the recent past?
1.     China has increased its military exercises in South China Sea.
2.     China has objected to trespassing of US vessels In South China Sea.
3.     China has stationed missiles, military personnel and aircrafts in South China Sea.

Q.2. What was the response of Obama Government of USA to Chinese hostility towards Philippines?
1.     US sent unmanned water vessels near Philippines in the sea in its defence.
2.     US showed indifference towards Chinese hostility towards Philippines.
3.     US protested to China against its hostile attitude towards Philippines.

3. How is China pressuring Myanmar for submission to its dominance?
1.     China has posted military troops on the border areas of Myanmar states of Shan and Kachin.
2.     China has facilitated tribal rebels of Myanmar to operate against it.
3.     China creates hindrances in South China sea routes for trade by Myanmar.

4. The recent military developments made by India are acting as irritants for China, why?
1.     China cannot tolerate any challenge to its dominance across Asia.
2.     China considers that India would use these against it or its ally Pakistan.
3.     China is committed to Pakistan to defend it against any attack from India

5. How other ASEAN Countries like Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand reacted to Philippine’s response?
1.     These countries raised their protest to Philippines against its action.
2.     These countries consented and acted in accordance with China.
3.     These countries also sought help and intervention of The US government.

6.What is the purpose of China in acquiring territory of countries like Philippines, Myanmar, Thailand or Malaysia etc.?
1.     China wants to prove its dominance in the South Asia area.
2.     China wants to coerce these counties to promote its trade with them.
3.     China wants to conduct its military operations by using their territory.

7. What does the word “belligerence” as used in the passage suggest?
1.     To act in a manner of dominance or supremacy.
2.     To terrify or cause panic to someone.
3.     A tendency of being antagonistic towards others.

Q.8.What was the effect of China’s hostility on Philippines?
1.     Philippines succumbed to China’s pressure and accepted its territorial demands.
2.     Philippines vehemently protested to China and took up the matter with US.
3.     Philippines opposed China with the help of countries like Malaysia Thailand etc.

Q 9.How China and Pakistan are deploying their submarines in sea?
1.     Pakistan is allowing its seaports as bases for Chinese submarines for operations in Indian ocean.
2.     China is transferring technical knowhow to Pakistan along with its submarines.
3.     China has moved a fleet of sea war ships in the sea near Pakistan in defence.

Q.10. How does the author consider China violating its responsibilities under nuclear non Proliferation Treaty?
1.     China has raised its army and positioned its nuclear missiles in the South China sea.
2.     China has sent unmanned under-water vehicles in the sea to use them against counties like Philippines, Malaysia,Cambodia and Thailand.
3.     China is aiding Pakistan to develop uranium and plutonium based nuclear weapons.

Q.11. What is the reason that China is not interested in nuclear dialogue with India?
1.     China does not want to lose its dominance in the nuclear field in Asia.
2.     China wants to excel the United States in possession of nuclear weapons.
3.     China avoids to formally recognize India being a nuclear state.
Q.12.What the author considers India needs to do in the wake of recent military activities of China in Asia?
1.     According to the author India needs to have a nuclear dialogue with United States to bring stability in the area.
2.     The author suggests that India needs to have a comprehensive nuclear dialogue with China for stability in Asia.
3.     The author wants India to raise the issue of Sino-Pakistan nuclear nexus with all the important countries of the world.

Q. 13. What is antonym of the word “loathe”?
a.agreeable b. fondness c, unwilling
Q.14. What is the reaction of Japan being felt in the face of China being overambitious of dominance in Asia?
1.      Japan is considering to counter China’s increasing dominance in the area with the help of the United States.
2.      Japan is considering to review its nuclear policy.
3.      Japan is considering to bring all the countries of the area together and pressurize China to change its attitude.

15. What is the central idea of the passage?
1.     China’s over ambitious territorial gaining attitude should be exposed before all the countries of the world and its activities be brought under control.
2.      Close mutual relationship between countries of Indo-Pacific region is necessary to counter Chinese territorial            and  geopolitical ambitions.
3.      There is a need for all the countries of Indo-pacific area seek the help of new US government and have vigorous        dialogue with China.

(Answers 1.(3)  2.(2)  3. (2)  4.(1)  5.(2)   6.(3)   7. (3)  8.(1)  9. (1)  10.(3)  11.(3) 12.(2) 13.(b) 14.(b) 15. (2) )
All the best.....

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