
16. What is the theme observed in the Literary works?

Bat                                                     - The nocturnal life of mammals

The Piano                                          - Memory itself is personified as a person holding the poet's                                                    
                                                           hand to lead him down the memory lane

The Model Millionaire                        - charity flows from one who loves his fellow men

The Cry of the Children                     - Child labour

Migrant bird                                       - Birds have no boundaries to move freely

Shilpi                                                 - Man’s creativity & craftsmanship

Snake                                               - Unity co-existence between man & animal

The Mark of Vishnu                          - Superstition

Greedy Govind                                 - Life is precious than money

Our Local Team                                - How cricket should not be played

Where the mind is without fear         - People must live this by the way of self-respect

Keep your spirits high                       - A solution to face the confusing problems, fears and

Be the best                                       - Be optimistic, Be the best whatever you are, self-

All the best.......


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