
PART A 1. Match the following words and Phrases given in Column A with their meanings in Column B

1. Acid Test
Meaning - Acid test proves the effectiveness of something.
Example - I practiced hard at the dance sessions but the acid test will come when the master will assess our solo performances.

2. Cut the ground from under feet
Meaning - When you cut the ground from under someone's feet, you do something which weakens their position.
Example - When team India hit more than 360 runs in the ODI, they cut the ground from under the opponent's feet.

3. Chase your tail
Meaning - Spending a lot of time and energy doing a lot of things but actually achieving too little.
Example - He's been chasing his tail all week collecting data but the report is still not ready

4. Whole bag of tricks 
Meaning - Means trying all the clever means to achieve something.
Example - It was really difficult to find the information even after applying the whole bag of tricks.

5. Deliver the goods 
Meaning - Do what is expected or promised.
Example - I have given my car to a new mechanic for repair, hope he delivers the goods.

6. Fine-tooth comb 
Meaning - Examining something carefully to not miss out any details.
Example - The boss examined my report with a fine tooth comb before submitting it to the senior management.

7. Explore all avenues
Meaning - Trying out every possibility to get a result.
Example - It is a difficult thing to do but if we really want it done, we must explore all avenues.

8. Fast track something 
Meaning - Rating something higher on your priority list to achieve the desired result.
Example - In view of the seriousness of the crime, the civil society is pressing up on a fast track decision from the court.

9 . Get ducks in a row 
Meaning - Getting your things well organized.
Example - To ensure a successful product launch, we must get our ducks in a row.

10. Get the show on the road 
Meaning - Putting up a plan or idea into action.
Example - Now that we have compeleted all the legal formalities, let's get the show on the road.

11. Keep your fingers on the pulse 
Meaning - Being constantly aware of the most recent developments.
Example - An entrepreneur must keep his fingers on the pulse of the market to be successful.

12. Mean business 
Meaning - Being serious about what you announce.
Example - Now that all our policies about work are put up on intranet, we mean business.

13. Think on your feet 
Meaning - Adjusting quickly to changes and making fast decisions.
Example - A good sales man must be able to think on his feet to close the deal.

14. Sail through something 
Meaning - Being successful in doing something without difficulty.
Example - The presentation at the national conference was extremely important for the company. We sailed through it.

15. Tricks of the trade 
Meaning - Clever or expert way of doing something.
Example - Being into the construction business for last 10 years, I know all tricks of the trade.

16. Not let grass grow under feet 
Meaning - Don't delay in getting something done.
Example - As soon as he finished all the registration formalities, he put the house on sale. He doesn't let the grass grow under his feet.

17. Work like a charm 
Meaning - Works very well or has the desired effect.
Example - I had cloves from my sore throat and they worked like a charm.

18. Back-room boys 
Meaning - People who perform important work but have no contact with the public.
Example - Our back room boys deserve an applause for the success of this advertisement.

19. Dead wood 
Meaning - People or things which are no longer useful or necessary.
Example - The company bought in a lot of new computers. They no longer want the dead woods.

20. Get the axe 
Meaning - lose the job.
Example - The projects team was undergoing a major restructuring, recruitment executives were the first to get the axe

21. Plum job -
Meaning - Desirable position which is well-paid and considered relatively easy .
Example - This looks like a plum job but it has its own bunch of complications

22. Shape up or ship out 
Meaning - This expression is used to warn someone that if they do not improvetheir ways, they will have to leave their job.
Example - When Tom started neglecting the customers, he was told to shape up or ship out

23. Golden handshake 
Meaning - Big sum of money given to a person when they leave a company or retire.
Example - The management of various PSUs wanted to cut down on the man power. They offered a golden hand shake to many of their aged employees.

24. Separate sheep from goats 
Meaning - Examining a group of people and deciding their suitability
Example - Audition test was conducted by the director to separate sheep from goats.

25. Waiting in the wings 
Meaning - Waiting for an opportunity to take action, mostly to replace someone else in their job.
Example - The senior manager is going to retire in next 2 months. Two of his juniors who are waiting in the wings will have a fierce competition.   

26. Eat, sleep and breathe something 
Meaning - Being so enthusiastic and passionate about somehting that you think about it all the time.
Example - My son has recently learnt cycling. He eats, sleeps and breathes it now.

27. With bells on 
Meaning - When you are delighted and eager to go somewhere, you are said to go with bells on.
Example - The new year party at the beach is most awaited. I will be there - with bells on.

28. Fever pitch 
Meaning - When a feeling is very intense and exciting, it is said to be at a fever pitch.
Example - His love for music had reached a fever pitch before he became a world known musician.

29. Blood, sweat and tears 
Meaning - Something that requires a lot of effort and hard work.
Example - Being the team of Indian cricket team is not just a matter of luck for him, it is his blood, sweat and tears which has got him here.

30. Have on the brain 
Meaning - Thinking or talking about it all day long.
Example - He has just got engaged. Now, he has his fiance on his brain all the time.

31. Fling yourself into -
Meaning - Doing something with a lot of energy and enthusiasm.
Example - Flinging himself into the exercise routine is the reason for his good physique.

32. Raring to go 
Meaning - Being very eager and enthusiastic about the idea of doing something.
Example - My kids wish to see the animals. They are raring to go to zoo.

33. Xerox subsidy 
Meaning - Using the office photocopier for personal use.
Example - The office now has a strict policy about xerox subsidy.

34. Get a grip on yourself 
Meaning - Controlling your feelings to deal with a situation.
Example - Reema saw her jwellery and cash missing from the almirah. After the initial shock, she got a grip on herself and called up the police.

35. Hang on by fingernails 
Meaning - Continuing to do something in a very difficult situation.
Example - The market of watches has suffered a big loss after the arrival of mobile phones. The survivors are just hanging on by their fingernails.

36. Pull out all the stops 
Meaning - Doing everything you can to make something successful.
Example - The deadline for the project is fast arriving; we have pulled out all the stops for timely completion.

37. Buckle down 
Meaning - Doing some hard work with determination and full attention.
Example - Getting through the exam for civil services is possible when you have buckled down yourself.

38. First out of the gate 
Meaning - Being the first one to make a start at something.
Example - John and his friends had decided to voice their opinion against the new economic policy. John was the first one to be out of the gate.

39. Going places 
Meaning - Exhibiting talent and ability that will lead to a successful future.
Example - Rakesh was a performer at the school sports club. It was obvious that he was going places.

40. Have one's heart set on 
Meaning - Possessing a determination to obtain something.
Example - He has not become a renowned cardiologist just by chance. He has his heart set on it after his father passed away with a cardiac arrest.

41. Make headway 
Meaning - Progress in what you are trying to achieve.
Example - The police have made a headway with their investigation in the terror attack on the city last friday.

42. Punch above one's weight
Meaning - Performing beyond your ability.
Example - He was not the best swimmer around but he could win the gold medal at the state swimming competition by working hard and punching above his weight in the finals.

43. Sink your teeth into 
Meaning - doing something with a lot of energy and enthusiasm.
Example - Marie joined the badminton coaching classes. She sank her teeth into the practice sessions.

44. Stand one's ground 
Meaning - Maintaining your position.
Example - He stood his ground in support of his friend inspite of several family interferences.

45. Close to home 
Meaning - A comment which is true and makes you uncomfortable is close to home.
Example - Tom's comment about his friend's unethical activities was quite close to home. He looked quite embarassed.

46. Carry the torch for 
Meaning - Having strong feelings for someone who cannot be yours.
Example - He has been carrying a torch for Mamta, who is now married to Nitin, since they studied together in college.
47. Cork up something 
Meaning - Failing to express your emotions.
Example - She did not let her grief pour out when her father passed away. Its not good for her to cork up his feelings.

48. Cut to the quick 
Meaning - Hurting someone deeply or offending them.
Example - Joe had worked for 10 years with all his loyalty for his company. He was cut to the quick when his boss held him responsible for the theft.

49. Fish out of water 
Meaning - Feeling uncomfortable in unfamiliar surroundings.
Example - Being a french, I felt like a fish out of water in the group of Japanese

50. Bee in one's bonnet 
Meaning - Carrying an idea which constantly occupies your thoughts.
Example - She is not happy in Africa. She has a bee in the bonnet about moving to Dubai.  


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