
3. Choose the correct 'Antonyms' for the underlined word from the options given


Antonyms is defined as the word which gives the exact opposite as an another word

Example: Ability-Inability, Private – Public

·         Always x never
·         young x old
·         arrive x depart
·         absence presence
·         rest x act
·         pity x cruel
·         rare x common
·         advantage x disadvantage
·         cursed x blessed
·         except x include
·         dropped x continued
·         finishing x starting
·         fond x hostile
·         clear x dull
·         adverse x favourable
·         beggar x baron
·         coarse x soft
·         continued x stopped
·         apologies x accusation
·         scorn x admire
·         radically x moderately
·         immense x slight
·         allows x prevents
·         parched x wet
·         great x small
·         fulfil x break
·         rough x gentle
·         popular x unpopular
·         wizened x fresh
·         irritated x calm
·         eagerly x unwillingly
·         engagement x disengagement
·         after x before
·         coarse x soft
·         crisp x pliable


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